THEOLOGY | * Survey of Scripture |
ENGLISH | * English 1 * English 2 * American Literature * British Literature English Composition 1** Rhetoric & Critical Thinking** |
MATHEMATICS | * Algebra 1 * Geometry * Algebra 2 Advanced Math College Algebra ** Trigonometry ** Calculus Consumer Math |
SCIENCE | * Biology * Intro to Physics * Intro to Chemistry * Physics 1 * Chemistry 1 Anatomy & Physiology |
SOCIAL SCIENCE | Geography * World History * U.S. History ** * Government ** Psychology ** Sociology ** |
FOREIGN LANGUAGE | Offered through Illinois Virtual School: French, German, Latin, Spanish |
HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION | * Health * Physical Education |
FINE ARTS | Art 1, 2 & 3 Art History Music |
Computer Applications Technology Applications Family & Consumer Science Culinary * Consumer Education Career Education (w/ Co-op)

* Required for graduation from Christ Our Savior (2020-2021) ** Dual Credit Available through SEMO
Students at Christ Our Savior are typically enrolled in seven class periods and one study hall period each semester.